Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Today's mood:Done working

Woahhhhhh Sorry for da lack of update people..... been kinda busy working at WCG these few days...

This was like tuesday morning when I was there.....

basicly nothing was finished yet.... and WCG was like in 1 day....the keyboards haven't arrived....

There was no sense of urgency what so ever....

anyway the comps where up and running around 8pm...

by the time I finished up everything in the above pic, it was like 7 am... all the game in the comps....

This pic was taken at 8am damn we were all shagged out... but the show must go on....
sorry the pic kinda blur... the person taking the pic not awake yet :D

from left to right Dannyboy,Sue,Wei Ming and Me..

At the end of the event.... 4 days later....
dinner yum yum....!!

all the key people at the dinner... A well deserved dinner for all of us...
Wish i had time to take more pictures but due to time constrants.... that all i have currently :D

Reality is just what you make of it.